"In Italia possono essere rilasciati certificati medici HSE?" di Fabrizio Pirrello
Nel marasma generale e con un clima di informazioni distorte o di parte si leggono le risposte più diverse ad un semplice quesito che meriterebbe una semplice e chiara risposta.
La risposta è NO: i medici non operanti in UK non possono rilasciare alcun certificato HSE e quelli che lo fanno, agiscono senza autorizzazione della HSE stessa.
Per curiosità ho direttamente verificato in Inghilterra interpellando la HSE che ha molto gentilmente ed esaustivamente risposto al quesito in modo chiaro ed inequivocabile. Riporto esattamente il testo della corrispondenza stessa che non contiene niente di riservato ed è una risposta ufficiale di Organismo Governativo Inglese.
From: Robbert.Hermanns@hse.gsi.gov.uk
To: sono_curioso_per_natura
Cc: Mark.Woods@hse.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: HSE accreditation
Dear Dr "omissis"
I regret to tell you that you cannot be approved as an Approved Medical Examiner of Divers under the UK Diving at Work Regulations 1997 if you are practicing in Italy.
The Health and Safety Executive (= the UK's labour inspectorate) only approves AMEDs who are registered with and licensed to practiced by the UK General Medical Council and have a practice address in the UK (exceptions are at present the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, which are not part of the UK but are Crown dependencies). The HSE has defined a number of 'classes' of medical practitioner who's medical certificates are equivalent to those of a UK AMED and are therefore accepted in the UK. These can be found at this link: http://www.hse.gov.uk/diving/information.htm , the first document at the top. This document defines certificates from several European countries and Norway as equivalent to the UK diving certificate. HSE has no reciprocal agreement with Italy and therefore cannot accept Italian issued certificates.
The reason HSE does not approve medical practitioners anymore, and has not done so for approximately the last 10 years, who practice outside the UK is that it is impossible for us to submit those foreign practitioners to the same competency framework and audit of their medical practice (their approach to the medical examination as well as the facilities at their place of practice) as UK based AMEDs. At the time we recalled all existing foreign approvals. Any doctor who is currently not based in the UK or has a GMC registration and is listed on our website as approved (see: http://webcommunities.hse.gov.uk/connect.ti/divingmedexaminer/view?objectId=6564) and claims to be approved to issue HSE MA2 certificates, does so without our authorisation.
I trust this answers your question.
Kind regards
Dr Robbert Hermanns, MFOM
Specialist Occupational Physician
Senior Medical Inspector
Corporate Medical Unit
Diving/compressed air/offshore portfolio holder
HSE Approved Medical Examiner of Divers
Health & Safety Executive
Belford House
59 Belford Road
0131 247 2000 (direct 2014)
07798 882083
GMC no: 4566887
Greetings! Very useful advice in this particular post!
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Thank you for your comment that was widely appreciated. I noticed lot of confusion in this specific sector and I wanted to make the matter clear. There are some "italian doctors" pretending to be able to issue HSE certificates in Italy and obviously they are simple liers and fools. Any further info from your side is welcome. My best regards